Hydrawise controller
Manage from Anywhere
Gain convenient system access anytime from your smartphone, tablet, or the web for a range of remote management capabilities. Remote monitoring allows you to conveniently view, manage, and monitor your irrigation controller.
Save Water
Advanced, web-based climate monitoring uses local forecast data including temperature, precipitation, wind speed, and other factors to automatically adjust your irrigation system to area weather conditions, ensuring plants remain healthy - rain or shine.
No more wasted water. No more dead plants.
Protect Your Landscape
Designed to manage different landscapes across various climate zones, HydrawiseTM prevents over and under-watering to ensure your plants get exactly what they need to remain healthy and flourishing.
Add Your Contractor
Built-in flow rate and valve monitoring instantly alert your professional landscape contractor in the event of a problem, so you can rest assured that your outdoor living space remains protected and your irrigation system is in good hands
https://www.hunterindustries.com/ (Hunter Website)
https://www.hydrawise.com/ (Hydrawise Website)
Common Controller Manuals
https://www.hunterindustries.com/sites/default/files/OM_ProC_EM.pdf (Hunter Pro-C)
http://hydrawise.com/support (Hydrawise Support for Homeowners)